Roboyaar the hub of Robots

Roboyaar is platform of different kind of robots e.g: Robo Chotu, Reception Robot and Robosapien.

The clinically relevant and assistive robot, Robo-Chotu operates semi-autonomously under the supervision of the psychotherapist. Robo-Chotu is a non-anthropomorphic social robot which enhances autism therapy by attracting children and teaching them new life skills. The robot assists the therapist in teaching social and communication skills to the autistic children. The therapy aims to improve children’s likelihood of integration into society in the future.

The core innovative technology integrated to Robo-Chotu is its unique AI cognitive model which interprets sensory data (facial expressions, speech output etc.) and will use perceptions and cues to assess the child behaviour. In addition to its unique cognitive model, it has a competitive advantage of being low-cost due to homegrown technology on an Android platform. It offers diagnostic and treatment support to autistic children relieving the burden from the current labour intensive therapeutic interventions.

RoboChotu Robot For You


The core innovative technology integrated to Robo-Chotu is its unique AI cognitive model which interprets sensory data (facial expressions, speech output etc.) and will use perceptions and cues to assess the child behaviour. In addition to its unique cognitive model, it has a competitive advantage of being low-cost due to homegrown technology on an Android platform. It offers diagnostic and treatment support to autistic children relieving the burden from the current labour intensive therapeutic interventions.

Reception Robot Different yaar called ROBOYAAR

Reception Robot

A robotic platform that can works as a receptionist at companies. This reception robot is able to welcome guest, gossips with them, able to recognize guest by his/her name. This receptionist is also able to memorize new guests with their name and photos. It save all its data on server. Reception robot can efficiently send notification to host about the guest arrival. Host receive notification on an android app that shows guest photo and some info. Host can send reply about meeting with guest via application to receptionist immediately then receptionist tell about reply to guest.

Robosapien Modified Robosapien

Modified Robosapien

Robosapien is a robotic platform that helps the autistic children to improve their imitation skills.This robotic platform mainly targets the children having autism. Robosapien has a toy like structure, which is controlled via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.Our modified Robosapien will assist therapists in imitation therapy. The repetitive behavior of Robosapien help autistic children to learn human actions on other hand it can also copy child's action by detecing human posture.

Face Recognition

Reception robot saves the person name in its memory and whenever reception robot the person again it receognize person by its name and start conversation with person.


Chatbot is most prime feature of Robochotu. It can answer all questions and can do a smooth conversation with peoples. It can also be able to say user customize text for annoucement. It can also sing a song.

Face Expression

Robochotu have different moods e.g: sad, angry, confused and surprized. It can change its mood to angry immediately if someone say that "Robochotu is ugly". It face expression can be controlled via voice command and through its remote control.


Locomotion of robochotu can be controlled via voice commands and through its remote control. It can move in any direction e.g: forward, backward, right and left. The movement of robotic platform is very fine and smooth and without any noise.


Reception Robot ask the guest whom he/she want to meet? when guest reply with host name this reception robot sends speedy notification to host quickly with guest name and photo. Whenever host give response about meeting the Reception Robot tells this response to guest.


Modified Robosapien copy human posture accurately. If person raises left hand then our modified Robosapien also move its left hand up.







Neurocomputation Lab, NCAI, Computer and Information Systems Department, NED University of Engineering and Technology, University Road, 75270, Karachi.



Autistic children are more comfortable with toys and interaction with RoboChotu is very fascinating because every child keenly observed RoboChotu action and immitate it. RoboChotu face expressions,looks,moving speed and all its features are completely fit in therapy session of these children.

IPMR Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Teaching session with RoboChotu at our centre is very captivating, students interact with robot show interest what robot is teaching to them.Overall, Robochotu teaching experiment is good.

CFA karachi Centre for Autism Karachi

In SPEC RoboChotu presented as a robotic speaker when it start speech all audience surprisingly become attentive to it and enjoy the robotic speech session.

SPEC 19 Science Project Exhibition and Competition